Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Five years ago a tragedy happend among my family.My grandfather died because of lung cancer.When I first heard the news I was so shocked because I didn't know that  his illness was something serious.My grandfather used to smok alot and we all told to him to quit but he  refused to listen to us.When my dad first knew he took him to India and there the doctors told him that there's no hope and there were only fwe months left. After that ,my dad brought my grandfather to stay with us to look after him.I always stayed at my room and never went downsatirs to see him because I was scared that it's going to be the last time I will ever see him again.After about two weeks he got very ill and my dad and my uncle took him to the hospital and he stayed there.Few days later in the afternoon,I was sitting with mom in the living room and my dad called and said that my grandfather passed away.When I heared it I went to my room and locked it and started to cry.I could'nt  go downstairs but I opened the window and saw my grandfather's body covered whith white sheet and they took him away.When I saw that I fainted but thank god my mom came in and she she washed my face to wake up.I woke up and I wore my clothe and went downstairs with my mom.I will never forget that day and it is still in my memory.Untill this day I regret a lot because I didn't go to my grandfather and I didn't sit with him in his last few days.The pain og regret is killing me but all I can say : May You Rest In Peace grandfather.


  1. im sorry to see that and at the end we all die so we should tray the best to and good things in our life

  2. thanx everyone
    everyone afraid of death but it's somethin we have 2 face it

  3. I am not afraid of death!!!1

    We have to face it in our life so why I have to afraid of death....
