Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The road will be closed again after half an hour and we are still stuck here.It sucks because I'm tired and sleepy and I miss my cozy bed.Sometimes this college can be unbelieveble because they dont tell us anything about the holidays and plus they keep us stuck without any news.I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got text massages that everyone are sent home exept us and I dont know why.Can someone tell me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.I'm dying here.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I met the Queen Of Britain ^^

Oh my god I actually met the queen Elizabeth her self .Woooooooooooow I still cant  believe that I met her.Okay the story is that currently I'm studing at the CBFS college because of a scholarship I got from the biritsh embassy and it calles (40 to 40 ).This scholarship is only for forty students because of the forty years for his majesty to rule.This scholarship is like a gift from britain to Oman due the old relationships between the two countries.Two or three weeks ago I dont exactly remember a lady  from the emabssy called me and she said that I'm invited to meet the queen in the british embassador residence.When I first heard the news I couldn't believe it but I  immediately told her that I accept the invtation.I rushed back home and I told my family about it and they were excited more than me.Also there were onther three girls who have been invited from CBFS colleg.The event was today 27th of November 2010 so I got up at 5:30 and I had my shower and ate my breakfast.Didn't I tell you  the lady from the embassy told us that for this kind of event we have to wear traditional clothes but we can wear the Abaya but traditional clothes is better and nicer.So after breakfast I wore my clothe and I put on a littel bit of makeup and I was ready to go.The other girls and I decided to meet in a place and one of the girls has a car so she is going to take us there.We reached at the place of the event which is the british ambassador residence and we parked the car downsatairs.Before going up to the british ambassador residence the security serched us from head to toe.After that the four of us walked up the hill to the british ambassador residence the first thing happened when we arrived there that the photographers took our pictures and then we started talking to the people there and socializing.Then the lady from the ambassy called us to stand near her  and the other students from the other colleges and told us what to do and what to  say if her majest speaks to us.After a while they announced that the queen Elizabeth arrived.I was so nevous and my hands were shaking.When her Majesty arrived she went to the ministers and she greeted them and along with her was the duke of Edinburgh.Finally she came to us and the british ambassador was explaining to her about the scholarship and she greeted the pepole who presents us and she to talked to the girl from our college who by the way is the presentitive of all the forty students and then she came to me and she said :WHAT ABOUT YOU DEAR?? I was like shocked and  but I pulled my self together and explained to her about the scholarship and that I'm really grateful honored to get an opportunity like this and she smiled to me and went on.I was so nervous but at the same time that was the most amazing and wonderful feelling I have ever felt in my whole life.Afte that, her majesty greeted everyone and then she left.She only spent about 20 minutes at the party .At the end I reached home I told my family and called my friends and told them everything.It was the most remarkable experience that I will never forget my whole life .

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom

Everyone in this world even twins have similarty and differences between them.I'm going to compare between my favourite actors: Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.

First, Johnny Depp is an actor and so is Orlando Bloom in hollywood.Both of them have worked togather in a movie called (Pirates Of The Caribbean) which was  a very successful movie.They are also kind of similar in their apperance such as their brown eyes and sharp nose.Orlando wears cloths as the same as Johnny.

However there are a few differences between them.Johnny Depp is married but Oralndo is not.Johnny Depp is more popular than Orlando because he has been in the acting feild more than Orlando.Johnny Depp has longer hair than Orlando and also Johnny is taller than him.

Well these are the similarty and the differences between the two actors.I think both of them are great actors and both of them have their own characters and personality and that what makes them more special.^^